ADULT PROGRAM (18 Yrs & Above)
This program is suitable for both beginners and experienced artists. In this program, you get to create amazing artwork while exploring different mediums. In the first 8 lessons, we introduce different mediums & techniques according to the individual's skill level. The program comprises sketching, painting, art composition, design, sculpture etc. We create customised programs looking at the individual's interests. The program also touches on the history of art and also includes a segment where you are asked to pick the master artist and draw inspiration from their work.
Age: 18 Years & Above
1:8 Teacher, student ratio.
Mediums: Watercolour, colour pencils, acrylic, charcoal, mixed media, oil painting, sculpture etc.
Program Term Fees (4 sessions in a month):
2 hours: $290
Registration Fees: (Non refundable)
$40 Inclusive of materials
Rescheduling: Advance notice of 1 week is required to cancel. Accommodation in future classes will be made subject to availability.
Submit enquiry form for further information or book your slots.